A downloadable game

Monster Maze is a ‘rogue-like’ turn-based exploration game where players can work together or alone to collect key cards and defeat monsters using resource cards to ultimately reach the end and win.

This board game was developed as part of a team! I do not take full credit for the creation of Monster Maze so please check out my awesome comrades!

  • James:


Monster_Maze_-_Printable.zip 5.6 MB

Install instructions

Install instructions

Print 1 copy of “Non-Card Parts”

Cut the board out and attach the two halves (pg2-3) either with tape or glueing another piece of paper beneath them.

Cut the Key Tokens (pg1, lower) out.

Cut the Player Tokens (pg1, upper) out along all non-solid lines. Fold on the solid lines so that the short cuts at either end slot into each other, creating a triangular shaped token.

Print 2 copies of “Resource Cards” double sided along the long edge so that the first and second pages are on the same piece of paper, third and fourth on the same and so on.

Cut the cards out.

Print 1 copy of “Role Cards” double sided along the long edge.

Cut the cards out.

Print 1 copy of “Monster Cards” pages 1-8, double sided along the long edge so that the first and second pages are on the same piece of paper, third and fourth on the same and so on.

Print another copy of “Monster Cards” pages 1-4, following the same process as the first copy.

Cut all the cards out.

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